Rory Gallagher Lyrics - I´m Not Awake Yet

I´m Not Awake Yet

I'm not awake yet i haven't opened my eyes
I haven't been late yet
I'm gonna be on time
for today's the day that you are coming back
and i can't wait to see you materialise
how much can i take now before i break inside
how long will it take now before i realise
that i can't live without you by my side
and nothing else will leave me satisfied
I've looked at my heart now and i trusted my eyes
I made that mistake now ain't gonna make it twice
but time can put the man on the other side
and i can't wait to see what's left behind
I'm not awake yet i haven't opened my eyes
I haven't been late late yet
gonna be on time, gonna be on time
gonna be on time ,but today´s the day that you are coming back
and i can't wait to see you materialise

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